Bronya : Leader and innovator in liquid thermal insulation

Jacques Loranger, founder of Bronya Coatings Canada initially created the company with the aim of changing the way things are done. From a sustainability perspective, these writings reflect his corporate vision.

We are used to seeing our world by persistent prejudices that are sometimes long outdated.

We are used to doing what others have done before us because the outcome is predictable.

We refuse to take risks and try new ways of solving familiar problems by avoiding stepping out of our comfort zone.

But, for some reason we want to make the world a better place.

Nisargadatta Maharaj once said: It is not this world that needs improvement, but our way of seeing.

Think about it for a moment, and you will be surprised how true that statement is. This world already has everything to be better, sometimes we just don’t pay attention to it.

You’ll think : how does this apply to Bronya products? And we’ll tell you the answer:

  • Improving the familiar ways of seeing this world, using innovative features to benefit humanity and the planet’s ecology at the most ordinary level of everyday life.
  • Choosing new ways to solve familiar problems by doing things differently than those who have gone before us.
  • We are taking risks and winning in many ways that are so important today!
  • We are breaking up the usual frameworks of doing business. We are building trusting and friendly relationships with our manufacturer, partners, customers, and of course within our team.
  • We go out of our comfort zone to meet the new world, which we see in a new way!

Together, uniting like-minded people in every part of the world, despite the difference of cultures, political and religious views, languages ​​we think in, despite the borders of countries and distances between continents. We share our knowledge, our experiences, our way of seeing the world perfectly, using new viewpoints, discoveries, and developments.

Bronya products not only unite countries, continents, but also everyone who cares about energy conservation and efficiency, about reducing toxic emissions, economic costs and improving the global environment.

We are shattering the prevailing view of the impossible by proving the opposite. We are Bronya, we are nanotechnology, we reduce waste, save energy more then 30%, we are the third environment, we are more and more interesting than thermal insulation, we are a new look at the familiar world !

– Tatiana Alexander

Sauvons la planète un 20 litres à la fois !

Let’s save the planet 20 liters at a time !